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Call: 817-829-8655

Dog / Cat Pet Sitter
Country Club Critter Sitters

Pet care at home for your animals offers the benefit of NO messy Kennels or Cold Cages and Reduces Stress. A daily routine can give a pet some comfort when their master is away. Country Club Critter Sitters is Bonded and Insured. Daily visits are $20 each visit and can include up to three pets. We do offer specialized care although our fee schedule varies.

Our Florida pet sitting territory includes all of Polk County including Lakeland, Mulberry, Lake Morton, Eaglebrooke Estates, Lake Hollingsworth and Grasslands Country Club.

Our Texas pet sitters are serving clients in Arlington, Fort Worth, Burleson, Mansfield and the surrounding metroplex.

Contact us via email or call 817-829-8655 for more information or to schedule a reliable, trustworthy pet sitter.

Enjoy your time away with confidence your pet is well cared for

Dog and Cat Care

  • Feeding and daily water
  • Letting pets out to the fenced yard
  • Walking Dogs
  • Scooping Litter Boxes / Yard
  • Giving Affection and or playtime